Taking Double Gold

We get a lot of satisfaction from delighting our clients, but sometimes it’s nice to win an award.  This year we took two Davey Gold awards for TV spots:  “My Life.  My Shoes.  My Store”, a three-spot Athlete’s Foot national campaign for Fain & Tripp Advertising; and “Choices”, a local market spot produced with Kilgannon Advertising for Vectren Source Natural Gas in the New York market.

The two campaigns are very different, both conceptually and in the way they were produced.  The spots for The Athlete’s Foot were very lifestyle-oriented, focusing on participation in sports – lots of fast-cutting, various locations, very action- and people-focused.  The Vectren Source spot was entirely a post-production project, built around a single stock-footage clip.  This project was all about sound design, retouching and color correction, and a 3D animated logo with flames erupting from it.

When I told Russ Tripp about the Gold award for The Athlete’s Foot campaign, he responded with his characteristic enthusiasm: “Wow! That’s fantastic!”